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Translated from the ancient Greek, the term "strategy" means the art of a commander, its long-term plan of action in a war. In the modern business world, strategy is an art that every entrepreneur must master in order to win the competition. Today, strategy is a long-term plan of action aimed at achieving the global goals of the enterprise. Any enterprise must have a general strategy that is consistent with its global goals, as well as a strategy for the types of activities. One of these strategies is the marketing strategy of the enterprise. The aim of the work is to develop a marketing strategy for an enterprise operating in the restaurant business. The objects of research in this work are enterprise operating in the restaurant business and the marketing strategy. The subject of research in the work is the development of a marketing strategy, a plan for its implementation, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed activities. The tasks of the work include consideration of the following issues: 1.1. The essence, meaning and basic elements of the marketing strategy of the enterprise; 1.2. Classifications and stages of creating an enterprise marketing strategy; 2.1. Evaluation of the economic activity of the restaurant; 2.2. Effectiveness monitoring of restaurant marketing programs; 3.1. Development of marketing activities for the segment of loyal consumers; 3.2. Evaluation of performance indicators of the local marketing system. Peculiarities of marketing in the field of services and enterprise management based on relationship marketing have been studied in the works of foreign scholars such as T. Ambler, N. Woodcock, P.Gamble, J.H. Gordon, K. Gronrus, J.R. Evans, P. Doyle, F. Kotler, J.J. Lamben, M. Porter and others. Considerable attention is paid to these issues in the fundamental research of Ukrainian and Russian scientists - Mazaraki A.A., Garkavenko S.S., Petrunya Yu.Ye., Laburtseva O., Ponomarenko T., Gavryshko N.V., Pavlenko A.F., Gudzenko N.M., Voychak A.V., Ivanova L.O., Melnichenko S.V. However, it should be noted that foreign and domestic scientists do not have a consensus on the essence of marketing. However, it is determined that the specifics of relationship marketing as a conceptual basis for the management of hotel and restaurant business and tourism is to establish close relationships with the most important target groups; ensuring a high degree of consumer satisfaction and loyalty; increasing the profitability of interaction with partners and consumers; changing approaches to market segmentation; individual approach to the service; reducing time intervals for market and consumer research. Structurally, the work is presented in three sections. In the first part of the work, at the theoretical level, concepts such as: marketing strategy, classification of marketing strategies, elements and stages of developing a marketing strategy, as well as formation features in developing a restaurant's marketing strategy are considered. In the second part of the work, the activity of one of the restaurants in the city of Kropyvnytskyi - "Crazy Land" is considered and analyzed. Here the description of the restaurant is considered, the analysis of its financial and economic activities, as well as marketing activities. In the third part of the work, based on the results of the analysis of Crazy Land's activities, a marketing strategy is proposed, as well as a plan of marketing measures for its implementation. In the final paragraph of the work, the calculation of costs for the implementation of the proposed strategy is carried out, as well as an assessment of the economic efficiency of the proposed activities. Methods used in the work: study of documentation, analysis, observation. Information sources used in the work: 1) educational literature on the courses "Marketing" and "Strategic Management"; 2) articles from magazines and from electronic resources; 3) the official website of the "Crazy Land" restaurant; 4) other data received from the administration of the "Crazy Land" restaurant.



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