Organization of Export Activity of Production Enterprise (based on data of research and production private small enterprise “Promtechkonstruktsiya”, Kramatorsk)

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The relevance of this work is enshrined in the modern development of international trade, which is global in nature, taking into account integration processes. Foreign trade plays an important role in the formation and development of competitive markets, stimulating the country’s economy, generating the income of financial entities and effectively redistributing economic resources. For Ukraine's economy, the issue of export-import trade against the background of the process of association (and future integration) with the EU is almost crucial, and plays a major role in shaping a strong economy on the world stage. In the conditions of the active phase of globalization, strengthening the position of the enterprise in the international arena is one of the main attributes of the effective development of production and trade activities. Export is one of the main areas of foreign economic activity aimed at selling products on foreign markets, opening up a huge number of new opportunities and the foundation for the development of domestic industries, that can provide products not only to fulfill the domestic demand. Exports are critical for the highly open Ukrainian economy which is characterized by the large trade deficit. Since independence the major consumers of the Ukrainian products have been the CIS and the EU. The export analysis, based on the data provided by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the period of 2010-2018 allowed to identify the problems and to come up with possible solutions focusing primarily on the role of the Government of Ukraine in strengthening cooperation with the EU. Firstly, it is suggested to take the institutional steps aimed at expanding and deepening the integration towards the common economic space with the EU, especially the common customs space. Secondly, to explore the opportunities of exporting goods to the countries, with which the EU has signed regional trade agreements. The third step is related to the changing role of Ukraine in the global model of the transformation of the world economy and requires the combination of close cooperation with the EU, on the one hand, and the powerful economies, on the other, thereby contributing to the formation of non-confrontational relations between East and West. Many scientific papers are devoted to the problems of the state and prospects of development of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. A considerable part of them is occupied by theoretical and methodical materials. Many scientific papers have focused on the empirical analysis and study of the prospective dynamics of the development of foreign economic operations in Ukraine. To the authors who have done research in this area, These include A. Galchinsky, V. Geyets, A. Kinakh, V. Seminozhenko, M. Melamed, V. Novitsky, and many others. These scholars have focused their attention on the applied aspects of the retrospective analysis of the state of development of foreign economic activity (FEA) in Ukraine, but have not provided their own forecasts regarding the prospective dynamics of foreign trade operations. Considerable attention was paid to the problems of the development of foreign economic activity by such scientists as O. Kirichenko, J. Zhalilo, Y. Bazilyuk, Y. Belinskaya, D. Lukyanenko, A. Poruchnyk, L. Antonyuk and many others. These authors investigated the problems of the development of foreign economic activity in the context of taking into account the geopolitical prospects of Ukraine, publishing not only an analysis but also proposals on improving the competitiveness of the economy and the efficiency of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises, as well as improving the policy of state regulation, etc.



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