Regulation of activities of non-state pension funds in the context of international requirements

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The relevance of the theme: Private pension funds are both an integral part of the country's pension system and are among the main players in the institutional investor market. For a number of years, private pension funds have been showing steady growth in most indicators of their development. Not only the largest corporations, but also enterprises of various branches of economy, banks and other financial organizations show interest in their activity. Simultan eously with the development of private pension funds was the development and improvement of the system of state regulation of activities in the field of private pension provision, supervision and control over these activities, which leads to increasing att ention to this problem in scientific circles. Studying the general principles and identifying problems of regulating the activities of private pension funds is an important practical aspect in the development of these entities in the market of private pens ion provision in Ukraine. The issue of regulating the functioning of private pension funds is covered in the works of domestic and foreign authors, including Y.Vitka [2], O. Gorbacheva [6], K. Gutgartz [7], А.Nechay [9], N. Tsikanovskaya [11], R.Maydanik [12], R.Holtzman [17], Reisen H. [20] and others. Despite systematic research, there are no thorough approaches in the scientific works to a comprehensive study of the problems of regulating the activities of private pension funds.



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