Improvement of the control system at the enterprise (based on materials of «ALEANA» LLC, Obukhiv city)

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INTRODUCTION Relevance of the research. In the management system of any enterprise control plays a significant role. A well-organized and structured control system is necessary in modern changeable conditions of a business environment. Control is a key factor on the way to success for the enterprise. Except of providing effectiveness of the development, helping in understanding a financial situation of the enterprise, it is also a lever for creating a successful strategy and setting new goals. In current business environment, managers should know more information than their competitors, always be ahead with knowledge of new trends and use modern techniques in management. As the situation in economics all over the world changes rapidly, it is necessary to monitor all aspects of life not only inside the enterprise, but also outside. Only having a high-quality control system and improving it all the time, enterprise will be able to be competitive, make a high profit and achieve goals. The growing essence of necessity of well-organized control system at the enterprise determines the relevance of the research. Some foreign and Ukrainian scientists have made researches connected with the aspect of the control system at the enterprise. Among them it is necessary to mention R. Simons, A. Fayol, H. Hanif, L. Siska, K. Mullakhmetov, M. Stehnei, K. Merchant, L. Silva-Domingo, S. Sljivic, Z. Xianzhi, M. Shesternyak, S. Gitesh and others [1-46]. Scientists investigated a lot of themes connected with control and creating a strong control system. But there are a lot of new approaches and informational technologies that appeared without attention, which can help in building a competitive control system in modern conditions. Purpose of the paper is to develop scientific approach to improving the control system at the enterprise “ALEANA” LLC. According to the purpose, there are such tasks were set: 1) define the essence, main tasks and elements of control system at the enterprise; 2) research methods and indicators of control at the enterprise; 3) provide a decomposition analysis of control system at the enterprise “ALEANA” LLC; 4) evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise control system; 5) plan measures to improve the enterprise control system based on best international practices; 6) predict evaluation of the results of improving the enterprise control system. Object of the research is the process of improvement of the control system at the enterprise. Subject of the research is theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of the control system improvement at the enterprise “ALEANA” LLC. General and special methods were used in the research such as analysis, systematization, conclusion, comparison, modeling, monitoring, classification, experiment. Initial data of the final qualifying paper: reporting of the enterprise, data of own researches, statistical data, results of researches of domestic and foreign scientists, etc. Scientific novelty of obtained results refers to the development of existing researches in the sphere of control and creating new theoretical and methodological aspects to the improving of the control system of the enterprise. Improved: systematization of definitions of the term “control system”, classification of control indicators, which will help to understand the state of control system of the enterprise from different sides. Further developed: methods and practical techniques that will help to increase the effectiveness of the enterprise’s activity with the using of improved control system at the enterprise. Practical significance of the research refers to the development and giving important recommendations for improving the control system at the enterprise with the using of reporting data of "ALEANA" LLC. The results of the research were partially covered in scientific article (Appendix A). Structure and scope of the research. Research consists of the introduction, three parts, conclusions and recommendations, references and appendices. The main content of the research is set out on 51 pages. The work contains 24 tables, 3 figures. References include 50 items of sources.



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