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One of the most challenging and complicated problems in the management of hospitality nowadays is reaching of a ba lance between supply and demand. On a daily basis, the management system of any hotel faces with the problem of under-capacity, despite the fact that the high preliminary demand exists. This situation leads to a loss of profit. This problem stems from ineffective regulation of the hotel advance boo king and pricing system. In order to resolve this problem a hotel should apply a system of Rev e-nue Management. The essence of the method is to determine the best pricing policy to achieve the optimal value of the enterprise's profit obtained through the sale of the product. In world practice, the prerequisites for the emergence of the method of Revenue Management are: - the growing influence of consumers searching for better services at the lowest price; - dynamic market development, requiring a high degree of adaptation to its changes; - the need to obtain the greatest profit from the activi ties of the enterprise; - the new possibilities of using and processing a large amount of info rmation. The effectiveness of the application of the method by hotel enterprises is dete r-mined by the following features of their functioning: - limited opportunities for hotels to offer services; - the ability to segment the cus tomer base; - non-persistence of services. A room unsold today cannot be reimbursed through subsequent sales; - significant fluctuations in demand for services of hotel enterprises; - a small share of variable costs in the total cost of the hotel; - pre-booking rooms before the service is provided, as an additional means of co-ordinating supply and demand. A hotel using RM technologies offers the same rooms at different prices, aiming for a state where the customer buys a room at the highest price he is willing to pay. The problems for development of the system of Revenue Management for hotels have been developed by a wide range of foreign scientists, such as T. D. Larsen, Eric B. Orkin, Sheryl Kimes, Stuart Jauncey, Ian Mitchell, Pamudji Slamet, Robert G. Cross, Bob Brotherton, Sean Mooney and others. The relevance of this work is caused by the need for hotels to find the best management solutions, improve management in the service sector. Consideration of the factors affecting the quality of hotel services is aimed at improving the level of service and the efficiency of production of hotel services. The development of market relations creates the emergence of new tasks, which necessitates improved management. It is important that hotel managers understand the need to constantly improve service quality management, pay attention to its expansion, reconstruction of premises, and the introduction of the latest technologies. The object of this final qualifying paper is theoretical, methodological and pra c-tical aspect of Revenue management in the hotel industry. The subject of the study is implementation of Revenue management system in «Radisson Blu Hotel», Kyiv. The purpose of the final qualifying paper: is to develop theoretical and met h-odological regulations, methods of effectiveness estimation, guidelines and suggestion s for implementation of Revenue management in the hotel industry based on the study of new conceptual framework and methodological approaches to improve the assessment of the development of hotel revenue management system.



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